5 Effective Ways To Practice Your Instrument! 

There’s a famous quote that we all know, “Practice makes perfect”. We all know that when you want to improve on something, you got to practice BUT in this present day and age, children are always packed with various activities. School, CCA, tuitions, swim class, art class, dance class (just to name a few).
So packed, it’s common for them to be physically and mentally drained and practicing their instrument would be the last thing on their minds…


But remember, as that oh-so-famous quote goes: “Practice makes perfect”.


We got to “practice” our instruments in order to progress. In 12 TONE, we don’t call ‘Practice’, we call it ‘Play your instrument’. Parents and older students always ask me this questions. “How long should my child/I practice the piano?”  “What’s the ideal duration to practice?” “How many days should my child/I practice?” and many more… Of course the most ideal answer to all these questions are, everyday for 45mins (Wow! That’s a long time! I don’t have the time for that!). If you can do that, that would be amazing, but if you can’t, don’t worry! Here are 5 Easy and Effective ways to play your instrument under 30mins! 

– Teacher Pam

1. Find your best time of the day to play your instrument


                  Timing is everything!

Everybody’s schedule are different. Some of us work best in the morning, some of us work best in the afternoon, some of us work best at night. Find your best time of the day to play your instrument, schedule it down and add in to your daily routine. (Mine is after breakfast!)

2. Plan and set a goal for the day


Having a plan is always a start to a great plan!

This will help you focus. Example: Today I’m going to work on my rhythm and I will perfect the rhythm from Bar 1 to 8 for this song!
(I love planning! Every morning I will plan my day before breakfast!)

3. Take note and point out the areas or parts that you are having problems with. 


   Keep at it!

Play the song once through and mark down the areas or parts that you are having problems with.
(I love using colored pen and highlighter to circle the areas that I need to work on!)

4. Work on the areas they you have take note of


      Hone in on your target!

Repetition is the key here. Repeat the area at least 3 times or until you are feeling confident. The more times you repeat, the more confidence you get.
Once you are confident with the area that you have been working on, play the song from the beginning until the area that you have been working on.

5. Play your instrument at least 3 days per week. 


                    3’s the magic number!

The more you’re familiar with something, the easier it gets! No one runs a marathon after 1 session of training.